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Ship Brow - 16 Feet
Sold For (CAD):
1 (each)
Location :
Victoria, BC
Sale / Lot :
R4VA0013706 - 4VA013729-W0103-APS
Closing date:
30-May-2024 @ 4:23 p.m.


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Sold For (CAD):
Ship Brow - 16 Feet
Minimum bid:
$ 100.00
Closing date:
30-May-2024 @ 4:23 p.m.
1 (each)
Description :
  • Manufacturer: unknown
  • Materials: wood, steel, metal cables
  • Colors: grey, yellow, white, black
  • Pillars: 4 pillars per side
  • Walking surface: marine paint and heavy grit
  • Item dimensions: 18' L x 3' W x 3.67' H
    • Measurements are approximate
  • Approximate weight: 500 lb
  • Condition:
    • Used
    • Operational when removed from service
Additional comments:

Special Instructions

  1. Viewings are not permitted.
  2. Buyers are encouraged to make payments online. Client site custodians cannot take in-person payments.


  1. Shipping not provided by GCSurplus.
    • This includes no wrapping, boxing or other preparation as the client site does not have the facilities or staff to do so.
  2. Pick-up only by the buyer or authorized third party.
    • All pick-ups by a third party require a signed Authority to Release to be sent to the "Contact" listed in the sale prior to releasing. If sending a transport company, a completed Bill of Lading is also required to be sent to the "Contact."
    • Unless otherwise noted items will be released as is.
  3. Buyer is responsible for making their own arrangements for packaging, loading, and picking up the items from their physical location.
  4. Buyers or third parties without appointments will be turned away.
    • Twenty-four hours notice required.
  5. Normal working hours are 8:00 a.m. to noon and 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Tuesday to Thursday, except statutory holidays.
  6. For more information or to book an appointment for pick-up, please contact:
    • Stephen Galipeau
      • 250-363-5468
    • Ethan Struve
      • 250-363-5204

Location and Contacts
Location of asset(s):
Disposal Services
CFB Esquimalt
Bldg 514, Signal Hill
Victoria , BC     V9A 7N2
Victoria, BC

The exact location of this sale could not be determined. Please contact the GCSurplus Divestment Officer for more information.

Contact :
Stephen Joseph Galipeau
Divestment Officer:
Peter Silva
Sale account:
Lot number: