Previously awarded period contracts

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Closed Bid

Scrap Metal - Contaminated 80/20 (80% Metal/20% Contaminant) - Period Contract
Location :
Esquimalt, BC
Sale / Lot :
K1VA003103 - 003413341
Closing date:
24-June-2022 @ 5:08 p.m.
Please note that on Period Contracts you may place a bid with up to 4 digits after the decimal (e.g.:$1.0001)

Bid entry error


Item Bid Details
Item Estimate yearly Quantity
Scrap Metal - Contaminated 80/20 (80% Metal/20% Contaminant) - Period Contract 400,000

This sale is subject to all applicable federal and provincial sales taxes. Taxes are in addition to your bid price.

Sold For (CAD):
$ 98,000.0000
Scrap Metal - Contaminated 80/20 (80% Metal/20% Contaminant) - Period Contract
Minimum bid:
Closing date:
24-June-2022 @ 5:08 p.m.
Deposit required:
$ 3,000.00
400000 (kg )
Description :
Scrap Metal - Contaminated 80/20 (80% Metal/20% Contaminant) - Period Contract


  • The General Terms and Conditions B are available online at


  • Pursuant to the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act (S.C. 1996, c.16), the General Terms and Conditions B, identified in the website by date, and title are incorporated by reference and form part of the bid solicitation and resulting contract as though expressly set out in the bid solicitation and resulting contract.



There is a security requirement associated with this sale. The following security clauses are applicable:

  1. The Contractor/Offeror must, at all times during the performance of the Contract/Standing Offer, hold a valid Designated Organization Screening (DOS), issued by the Contract Security Program (CSP), Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).
  2. The Contractor/Offeror personnel requiring access to sensitive site(s) must EACH hold a valid RELIABILITY STATUS, granted or approved by the CSP, PWGSC.
  3. Subcontracts which contain security requirements are NOT to be awarded without the prior written permission of the CSP, PWGSC.
  4. The Contractor/Offeror must comply with the provisions of the:
    • a) Security Requirements Check List and security guide (available from DND Representative)
    • b) Contract Security Manual (Latest Edition)
  5. The contractor shall only access DND property when called up for bin drop-off or bin removal as instructed by the DND representative.
  6. Contractor must be able to meet DND security requirements (reliability level clearance) to obtain contractor passes to access DND property.
  7. Successful bidder must register with the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) and obtain a Designated Organizational Screening and Reliability Security Status Screening for their employees. This must be completed prior to start of contract. Information and forms can be obtained from the link below.
    • The Canadian Industrial Security Directorate:
  8. The successful bidder will be required to provide information, pertaining to the Security Requirements Check List (SRCL).
  9. It is recommended bidder reviews the SRCL, from the link below
    • Security Requirements Check List:
  10. Successful bidder must complete and return the contractors application form to the CFB Esquimalt Military Police Detachment.
  11. Forms can be obtained from Paul Dobson, telephone number, (250) 363-2184 or by fax at (250) 363-7916, or visiting this link:
  12. Failure to obtain, hold and maintain any parts of DND's security requirements will be cause for immediate termination of this contract.


  1. For the purchase, pickup and removal of the Asset(s) described in section 2.2 on an "as and when requested basis" for the duration of the period of the Contract as detailed in Section 5.0 entitled "Term of Contract."
  2. Details of the Asset(s) and Work Requirement
    1. Assets: Contaminated scrap metal 80/20 (80% Metal/ 20% Contaminant)
    2. The successful contractor must be prepared to accept "Contaminated Scrap Metal" as: consisting of a combination of metallic and non-metallic materials, which include unspecified amounts of dirt, plastic, cardboard. For example, upholstered chairs with metal frames, fridges, washers & dryers, metal desks with wooden tops & drawers, room dividers, etc.
    3. Excluded from this Period Contract:
      1. DND reserves the right to withhold material whose metal components contain any amount of Aluminum or Copper Alloys (includes brass, bronze or copper). Material made up from these components are not part of this contract. However if any are found in a scrap metal bin, it does not need to be returned unless for security or controlled technology reasons.
      2. This contract is for scrap metal and does not include the disposal of used or spent brass shell casings. In the event the contractor should encounter brass shell casings or any other type of brass armaments in a scrap load, the contractor is to notify the GCSurplus sales representative for instruction.
      3. This contract excludes electronic waste and is not to contain computer or related waste.
  3. The overall requirement consists of delivering Scrap Metal bins to various locations on the Department of National Defence (DND) property around the lower Vancouver Island as requested, removal of bins when called to do so and recycling the metal within them.
  4. Bin Locations and Quantities
    Bins will typically be required at the following Canadian Forces Base (CFB) locations with quantities shown after:
    • CFB, Naden, Admirals Rd, Esquimalt, BC ............................................ 1 bin
    • CFB, Esquimalt Dockyard, Esquimalt, BC ............................................ 5 bins
    • CFB, Rocky Point, Rocky Point Rd, Metchosin, BC ............................. 1 bin
    • CFB, Work Point, Bewdley Street, Esquimalt, BC ................................ 1 bin
    • CFB Esquimalt, Colwood, Colwood, BC .............................................. 2 bins
    • 443 MH Squadron Pat Bay, 9755 Willingdon Road, Sidney, BC .......... 1 bin
  5. The contractor must be able to provide for use a "20 yard" capacity "sealed bin" (leak & rain proof) in one of the identified locations for steel tailings.
  6. The contractor must provide the appropriate vehicles needed (i.e., flat deck truck) to remove large irregular size and shape Asset(s) and with the capacity to safely carry items up to 25 feet in length.
  7. The contractor must have use of a flat deck truck with the capacity to safely carry up to eight (8) pallets.
  8. The Contractor shall situate roll-on/roll-off bulk metal bins at DND sites as directed by the DND representative:
    • Paul Dobson or Designate
    • Email:
    • Phone: (250) 363-2184
    • Fax: (250) 363-7916
  9. All bins are to be commercial style solid metal construction. Approximate bin size requested shall be 18'(L) X 8'(W) X 6'(H)
  10. Scrap metal collection bins must display, "scrap metal only" in large, legible lettering and include the contractor name and a unique container identifying number.
  11. Temporary bin sites may be designated for special projects as required and requested by the DND representative.
  12. DND reserves the right to request the bins be moved from the originally stated general locations to other placement areas on the same site.
  13. Normal pick-up hours are Monday through Friday (excluding statutory holidays) between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
  14. All shipments may be inspected by an authorized DND representative prior to removal.
  15. Weight Scale Tickets (WST)
    1. All scrap metal being removed from CFB Esquimalt shall be weighed on the weight scale located adjacent to Dockyard building 516. If this scale is not available, contractors are to use and obtain tickets from a Federal Government calibrated weigh scale.
    2. Calibration records shall be made available upon requests for scales other than that located in CFB Esquimalt.
    3. A DND representative may accompany the contractor to an independent public scale or other suitable scale selected by DND.
    4. The contractor shall remit, within three (3) working days; all weigh scale tickets to DND, who will then verify the WST and pass it to GCSurplus to invoice the contractor for weight removed.
    5. It is the responsibility of the contractor to pay for the cost of the weight scale tickets. The invoice must be paid in full by the contractor within twenty (20) days of issue.
    6. All weigh scale tickets shall display the gross vehicle weight; container number and weight, net scrap weight, the call up registry number and the date and time the removal took place.
  16. Any Contract will be for the actual quantity of Asset(s) that Canada requests the Purchaser to purchase during the period of the Contract and will not constitute an agreement by Canada to sell any or all of the said Asset(s). The quantity of Asset(s) sold under the Contract may be more or less than the Estimated Quantity of Asset(s) and the Estimated Extended Price specified herein.
  17. Upon request, the Purchaser must provide the required number of containers, of appropriate size, on designated government sites, remove, weigh, and purchase the Asset(s) in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.
  18. Prior to the removal of any Asset(s), the Purchaser must ensure that an empty container is left at the site to replace the full one that is picked up.
  19. The Purchaser must remove filled containers during business hours, as specified by the Custodian, within twenty-four (24) hours of notification by the Custodian. Should the Custodian notify the Purchaser that there are Asset(s) available for pick-up that are too bulky to be placed in the container, the Purchaser must immediately make all necessary arrangements to have this Asset removed within a mutually agreeable timeframe.


  1. The estimated quantity of Asset(s) - 400,000 Kilograms and its corresponding estimated extended price specified herein are only an approximation of requirements given in good faith. The Purchaser will have no claim against GCSurplus for shortages. Amounts in excess of the Estimated Quantity or Estimated Extended Price will be paid in accordance with the Basis of Payment specified herein.


  • A security deposit in the form of a certified cheque, an irrevocable standby letter of credit or a credit card payment as accepted and approved at the discretion of the GCSurplus Sales Representative, made out to the Receiver General for Canada of an amount of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) is a condition precedent to Contract award. Should the Purchaser fail to respect fully his/her obligations under the Contract, the deposit will be forfeited to GCSurplus. Such forfeiture must not limit or curtail any of GCSurplus rights as stipulated by law or in the Contract.


  1. Period of the Contract
    1. The period of the Contract is from 12/01/2022 to 11/30/2024 inclusive.
  2. Option to Extend the Contract
    1. Upon mutual agreement of both Parties, the period of the Contract may be extended by and up to three (3) additional periods of one year (1) under the same terms and conditions. The Purchaser agrees that, during the extended period of the Contract, he will pay Canada in accordance with the applicable provisions as set out in the Basis of Payment.
    2. Canada will notify the Purchaser within thirty (30) calendar days before the Contract expiry date of its desire to extend the period of the Contract. The option may only be exercised by the GCSurplus Sales Representative.
    3. The agreement to extend the period of the Contract will be evidenced, for administrative purposes only, through a Contract amendment prepared by the GCSurplus Sales Representative.


  1. The GCSurplus Sales Representative will send an invoice upon receipt of weight scale ticket.


  1. The Contract must be interpreted and governed, and the relations between the parties determined, by the laws in force in British Columbia.


  1. Appendix "A", forming part of the Contract Document, is accepted into the document and becomes firm and binding through the process of bidding and eliminates the need for a signed separate document.
  2. The contractor must demonstrate that they have a security program in place at their recycling site which is to include but not limited to, security cameras, perimeter fencing and controlled access.
  3. The contractor must have a documented safety and environment program. Elements of the program must include a health and safety plan, emergency response plan, spill response plan, and a storm water management plan (in accordance with the CRD Codes of Practice and/or Municipal by-laws).
    1. The winning bidder must provide their documented safety and environmental plan within five (5) days to GCSurplus.
  4. The contractor shall provide to DND on a quarterly basis a summary report on the total mass of ferrous and non-ferrous materials recycled from the identified DND sites as well as the costs recovered.
  5. Weigh scale ticket must be forwarded to:
    • Paul Dobson
      • Email:
      • Phone: (250) 363-2184
      • Fax (250) 363-7916
Additional comments:
Location and Contacts
Location of asset(s):
D Jetty Colwood
PO Box 1700 Stn Forces
CFB Esquimalt
Esquimalt , BC     V9A 7N2
Esquimalt, BC

The exact location of this sale could not be determined. Please contact the GCSurplus Divestment Officer for more information.

Contact :
Shone Langlois
250-363-5032 (ext:5032)
Divestment Officer:
Nancy Fung
Sale account:
Payment and Removal
The Purchaser agrees to make any payment requested (see available payment options) by the Minister within 20 calendar days from the date of such request and prior to removal of any of the property.
The Purchaser, upon acceptance of this offer by the Minister and after payment in full has been received by the Minister, shall at their expense, pack, load and remove the property by the date indicated on the bill of sale or, if no date is shown, within 1 calendar days after the date the bill of sale is issued.
Sales Clauses

This sale is subject to all of the clauses outlined in the GCSurplus

General terms and conditions A , unless General terms and conditions B are cited.